Placental Encapsulation
Your body goes through a lot during pregnancy and birth. After the baby is born, you need all the help you can get to re-balance your hormones and make up for the loss in vital minerals. Consuming your placenta can help you recover faster, help with postpartum depression and allow you to have more energy as you take care of your little one. This
natural practice has been done for centuries by ancient cultures.

How Placenta Encapsulation works:
After your baby is born I will come to the hospital (or your home) and pick up your placenta. I will take it home to clean, steam, and dry it and then encapsulate it for your consumption. Once I am finished, between 24-48 hours later, I will deliver the placenta pills to you.
Why should I take placenta capsules?
Your baby’s placenta, contained in capsule form, is believed to:
- Contain your own natural hormones
- Be perfectly made for you
- Balance your system
- Replenish depleted iron
- Give you more energy
- Lessen bleeding postnatally
- Been shown to increase milk production
- Help you have a happier postpartum period
- Hasten return of uterus to pre-pregnancy state
- Be helpful during menopause
For more Placenta Encapsulation Information Please Contact:
Lisa Kestler PBi - Certified Encapsulation Specialist ~ Hill Country Placentas ~ 512-517-9017
Birth Center & Home Births
Austin, TX Area